

Posted in weddings by jjlumagbas on September 23, 2009


smoke, originally uploaded by jayjaylumagbas.

I hate wedding photographers. Intrusive. Overbearing. Don’t get me started. One wedding I attended–you know that part in the reception when the groom takes the bride’s garter from under her dress for the garter toss?–the photographer tells the groom, ‘Stick your head under the dress and give a thumbs up!’ The groom has no choice, the photog has his shot, the guests have some laughs. I’m cringing all the way.

Why don’t you just stand back, dammit, and wait for something to happen, instead of conjuring up your own moments to capture? Why can’t you be more like Alison Conklin, with her (authentic) bright and cheerful shots; Climie + Co, who favors in-between moments that make a wedding unique; and mighty Jeff Ascough, preserving the mood by leaving the strobe at home?*

And don’t tell me only the white man can do it: Mango Red firmly plants our beloved three-stars-and-a-sun in wedding albums all over the world.** Don’t tell me it can’t be done.

Anyways, here’s one more from the wedding with Bong (click here to see the full set). Call the set photography-as-protest.

*Home at Olympus, that is. He rolls strobless, but I’m sure he carries a set of lightning bolts in the trunk, force of habit.
**The green-blue cross-processed look gets nauseating after a while (but I loved it on Sara Meier (at Calaruega!)), and I don’t care much for prenup as fashion shoot, but R-E-S-P-E-C-T, men. These guys rock.

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Posted in weddings by jjlumagbas on September 22, 2009


flowergirls, originally uploaded by jayjaylumagbas.

We’re back!

It took a few months to figure out what I wanted out of this camera, but lately I’ve shot some pics worth sharing. I’m still shooting in the street (stay tuned), but I’m also exploring other stuff, like weddings (click here to see the full set).

I hope to get back up to a post a day, so tell your friends, catch me in Google Reader, and let me know what you think in the comments.

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